Diamond Glass Works Inc.

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Description of Company
Diamond Glass is one of Calgary's largest independently-owned and operated auto glass companies. For the past ten years, we have proudly served Calgary and its surrounding areas for all of their residential, commercial and auto-glass needs. What differentiates us from our competitors is the versatility of our service. Glass is our craft. Whether it's a windshield replacement, a window repair after a break-in, or a custom made tabletop for your home, our team is mandated to create a best-in-class product customized to your specific requirements. Customer experience means everything to us. As our customer, EXPECT expert workmanship, competitive pricing and a fast turn around. Our consumer-centric model is elastic and accentuated with "ultimate convenience." We are well-staffed with expert technicians so that you are able to get next-day turnaround and even "onsite service" with our mobile repair offering.
Calgary, AB T3J Canada
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