Summit School of Dance and Music Calgary

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Description of Company
A little about Miss Christie and the start of Summit... I will never forget the time the first time I saw the Nutcracker Ballet. I was five years old, yet the storyline kept me on the edge of my seat, it was the dancing and the costumes that mesmerized me. I remember going home and imitating the dancers every move, turn, and leap. That night I started dancing…and I have never stopped! Through all my years of schooling, I was involved in the arts. I danced numerous hours a week, took singing and acting lessons, and was on the stage every chance that I got. I was awarded the “Best Actress Award” at the Alberta High School One-Act Festival which took me to Mount Royal University’s Theatre Arts program which in turn gained me acceptance into the Musical Theatre program at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. I have been privileged enough to audition and work in dance and theatre productions in the US as well as Canada. Upon my return home I started teaching dancing at numerous studios across the city and soon realized that this was something that I was very passionate about. An opportunity presented itself to start “my own” classes in the then Tuscany one-room community centre. As our little studio grew along with the Tuscany Community Centre we outgrew our space. So I went looking for a space to call our own. Summit’s first location arrived in the NW community of Hawkwood. We loved our Hawkwood home where we were for over 10 years until our space was ravaged by three floods in three years, forcing us to make the heartbreaking decision to close the doors. This brought us to a second location in the SE community of Copperfield and now to the location, we are currently in Cedarbrae. Summit was built around a love of the performing arts and determination. We truly believe and want to instil in our students that you CAN do anything that you set your mind to! For example, we’ve been privileged to be invited to dance with our kids at both Disney Land and Disney World, as well as an at-sea performance with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. We’ve had dancers go on to dance everywhere from the Alberta Ballet to Broadway Dance Centre in New York City. Our dancers have won numerous accolades and awards in Alberta and British Columbia. We have accomplished these successes due to our commitment to bringing our love of the performing arts to our dancers with excitement and passion through our amazing teaching staff. You may not see me personally in the studio on a daily basis but want to assure you that all of our staff members are well-trained, qualified, & caring instructors who provide structured and inspiring classes which reflect their own love for the performing arts. I can’t wait to meet each and every one of you and see your child’s smiling face come into class! – Miss Christie
Calgary, AB T2W 4N5 Canada
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